

'SecFinder' is the result of growth within the company. Fine Print Secretarial Services was established in February, 1995.

Fine Print, Fife Business Card Web Directory.

In 2006, I started this project as an experiment when learning indexing in coding, then I felt I could put it to use, especially when you see just how many people are innovative with their business cards like an art form.

From 2007 - 2012 it lay on hold whilst I went about the main part of my business services and had a young family growing up.

During 2012 I started to reassess time and the opportunity to showcase our community, and therefore work has begun on dividing the business into two departments. You can visit the Directory by clicking the highlighted link in the red menu bar up the top. When you want to come back to 'SecFinder' you will find a link on the 'Fine Print Menu Bar' to return.


121 Station Road, Cardenden, LOCHGELLY KY5 0BW


+44 (01592) 328080


+44 (01592) 328080


07792 513591

Webmaster: Please click on image to send email.

Fine Print (SecFinder) Secretarial Services offer virtual services, therefore there are no restrictions to localities.

Situated in Cardenden, supporting customers locally from any area, including Fife, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and Clackmannan.


The link above for 'News' takes you to my weblog. The first page you come to will be used for updates for SecFinder and Fine Print. The blog was set up trying to bring awareness to our community, encourage through interaction, bring attention to events, the directory, and give a chance readers to feedback.

The Web Directory This is a place for local businesses to showcase their business cards online. Along with their card they can also provide a complimentary link to their website. In the future there will maybe be a space allocated for testimonials from local users. The first task will be to gather information and cards! - whilst free, I do also try to promote a local charity every month and will provide a link for voluntary donation at the end of my news item. Businesses can also purchase an enhanced link to their website on any page of the Directory where it is allowed.


Fine Print (SecFinder) Secretarial Services

Cannot and does not accept any responsibility or liability for any losses you may suffer as a result of entering into any transaction with any third party or for third party tracking of data.

Links to Other Sites

On this website you may find links to other websites. Whilst it is hoped you will be interested in those websites, you acknowledge that their owners are independent from Fine Print (SecFinder) Secretarial Services and no endorsement or acceptance of responsibility is made for their content/
products or services.

Fine Print (SecFinder) Secretarial Services has tried to the best of their ability to ensure that no spyware or popups are embedded in the home site as it is felt to be an invasion of privacy but unfortunately cannot take responsibility for affiliate advertising/links.

When you leave Fine Print or (SecFinder) on a link, you may find that affiliates featured on our sites have tracking cookies and you will need to read their terms and conditions with regard to privacy and use.

Fine Print and SecFinder use cookies for analysing web statistics and sending 'webcards' - a new ecard service. If you send an ecard - information will be stored on the server for a limited time for your recipient to be able to collect it and then deleted.

Privacy and Storage of Personal Information

Fine Print / SecFinder respect the rights of users data to remain private and will not pass information on to any third parties other than what you have agreed to be made public on the web directory, news page, newsletter and ecards and by no other means, unless compelled by law.

Fine Print (SecFinder) Secretarial Services mission is to comply with new and current legislation regarding data protection, privacy and disability access and is currently working on a text and audio version of their websites. We therefore welcomes advice from end users regarding improvement in these areas.

Fine Print and (SecFinder) are registered with The Data Protection Act 1998.


This site has been composed using Notepad++, xhtml and CSS. The design is the copyright of Fine Print (SecFinder) Secretarial Services. Javascripts, CSS and php scripts have been added to give you a more interactive experience. The copyright of these scripts are used by kind permission, remain with the authors and are available from their respective sites.

Photographs and images are copyrighted or available under the Creative Commons Licence. Please respect artists and acknowledge them wherever possible. Do not link to images directly wasting valuable bandwidth.


Audio Transcription

All digital formats - ability to convert Ordinary Cassettes C60/90/120 and Micro Cassettes

Benefits of using Audio:

Curriculum Vitae:

Forward Planning - Quick Reference - Portable Available on paper, pdf or cd file

Benefits of having a CV:

Electronic Filing:

Create Space, Be Green, Password Protect, Portable, Editable, Share or Archive

Benefits of Electronic Filing:

Are you sitting comfortably - surrounded by Lever Arch Files, Suspended Files and Storage Boxes?

Electronic Filing can give you:

Marketing and Research:

Whether towards your Business Plan on starting up or thoughts on expansion - be ahead of your competitors

Benefits of Research:

One way of keeping up to date is to conduct research. This doesn't have to be on a huge scale. SecFinder can:

PowerPoint Presentations/Web Design:

Make yourself visible! Ensure you have a Web Presence

Be Seen - Be Heard - Be Connected:


Ensure your phone is answered


Sample list of Services

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